Goat Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms

Goat Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms

Before I even start this post, let's take a moment and recognize that it's October and it's cold. Now this might not be strange to most, but living in the year round extended summer state of Texas, this is odd. Let me not exaggerate and say it's blistering cold, but anything below 60 is freezing, and we're going on the third week where mornings are in the low 50's sometimes mid 40's. Global warming anyone!? I digress (sigh). Now, let's get on with what you're here for.

The holiday season is knocking at our door and with the holidays comes parties. Lots of them! If you plan on hosting one or even attending one, you'll need some show stopping appetizers. And, I have some that are sure to be crowd pleasers.

First up, stuffed mushrooms! They may be small but they pack an unexpected flavor punch. You may be thinking, mushrooms and goat cheese?! No thanks! But, trust me it works. The cheese brings a sharp tangy creaminess to compliment the savory mushroom, and with the addition of fresh parsley and tarragon, they add brightness to bring everything together beautifully. I dare you to try and eat just one. 

prep time: 10 minutes
cook time: 20 minutes
yield: about 30 mushroom caps

24 oz whole white mushrooms
4 oz crumbled goat cheese
1/4 cup parsley
1 tbsp fresh tarragon
olive oil
salt & pepper

serrated spoon
mixing bowl
chef's knife
aluminum baking pan

How to prepare

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit

Using the serrated spoon, remove the stem and some of the inside flesh so that it forms a bowl. You want to hold the mushroom cap firmly while you do this. Don't hold it too firm or else you'll crush them, but don't hold too loosely either or the cap may crack while you are scooping out the stem. 

note: expect some small cracks, but if it cracks too much it won't hold up in the oven while baking.

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Once the stems and flesh have been removed, chop them until they are nicely minced. Also, roughly chop the parsley and tarragon. In a mixing bowl, combine the chopped mushrooms, goat cheese, parsley and tarragon. Salt and pepper to taste. 

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With the mixture, fill the mushroom caps and place them in the baking pan. Drizzle with olive oil and place in the oven for 20 minutes. 

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After 20 minutes, plate and serve! I promise you won't regret trying these. And if you give them a try, let me know how you liked them. I'll be waiting to hear from you.

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