Chana Dal Curry

Chana Dal Curry

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, and while everyone is posting date night recipes, I’m just going to post a general recipe. Not because I’m against the holiday, but because not everyone celebrates is, so this is dedicated to anyone who just wants to enjoy a dang good curry.

Also, since we’re still enduring the longest winter EVER, and we still have a few more weeks of it, this one is sure to warm your insides just like love would because food is love and made up of all the goodness that makes you feel good inside and out. So forget a Valentine's Day and get into this!

Side note: You may notice that I use heavy cream instead of a coconut based cream, like most curry recipes. Why this is? Frankly, I don’t like coconuts; flakes, flavoring, water, really anything to do with the fruit. And before you say, “Well have you tried it?” Yes! I have tried every variation of coconut, and also a couple recipes using coconut milk or cream. Conclusion: I don’t prefer the taste of it. Coconut cream and milk in dishes is not the worst thing in the world, but I just prefer the creaminess and taste that cream gives, so I use that instead.

Side side note: This recipe does have a spice kick to it. To me it’s a mild spice, but if you are not a spice lover, use a little less cayenne pepper.

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prep time: 10 minutes
cook time: 1 hour and 30 minutes
yield: 8 - 10 servings at 1/4 cup

To Prepare the Beans:
2 cups Chana dal
8 cups water
2 inch piece of ginger (chopped)

Spices & Seasonings
2 tbsp red curry paste
¼ tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp garam masala
½ tsp coriander
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp garlic power
2 tsp salt

Other Ingredients
½ cup roasted red pepper
½ cup grated onion
6 cloves grated garlic
1 cup tomato puree
½ cup heavy cream
3 tbsp grapeseed oil
Cilantro for garnish

large soup pot
medium nonstick skillet

*Bonus: Add a protein, such as chicken.

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1.       Combine the Chana dal, water and ginger a large soup pot on low/medium heat and simmer for 45 minutes. When the beans are tender, remove the pot from the heat.

2.       Once the beans have been prepared, in the medium skillet, set to medium heat, add the grapeseed oil. When it has warmed, add in the spices and seasonings, along with the onion and garlic. Cook this for 15 minutes

3.       After the 15 minutes has passed, add the spice mixture into the Chana dal, along with the tomato puree and roasted red peppers. Now, return the soup pot to the heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

4.       After 20 minutes, add in heavy cream and simmer for 15 more minutes.

5.       Garnish with cilantro and serve with rice or naan bread

5.       Now EAT!

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